Think of us as your own Accounting and Finance department.
We offer the following services:
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Cash Flow Analysis and Cash Management
- Clean up your accounting books
- Budgets
- Review and Supervise Bookkeepers
- Sales Tax Reports
- Special Projects
WHO: Recommended for business that needs to build on the bookkeeping information, interpreting it, compiling reports, year-end tax preparation, budgeting and carrying out financial analysis.
Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis can tell you a lot about how your business is doing.
Without this analysis, you may end up staring at a bunch of numbers on budgets, cash flow projects, and profit and loss statements.
- Understand your business with balance sheet analysis and income statement analysis.
- Balance Sheet depicts the overall status of your finances at a fixed point in time.
- Income Statement or “P and L” statements depict the status of your overall profits.
There are some techniques and tools to help in financial analysis, for example, profit analysis, break-even analysis and ratios analysis that can substantially help to simplify and streamline financial analysis.
How you carry out the analysis depends on the nature and needs of you and your business. We can help understand your financial statements to improve decision-making capabilities from clearly seeing the hard and true numbers of your business.
Cash Flow Analysis and Cash Management
The starting point for good cash flow management is to understand your current cash flow statement and situation.
Good cash management involves:
- Knowing where you are spending your cash
- Knowing when, where, and how your cash needs will occur
- Knowing the best sources for meeting additional cash needs
- Being prepared to meet these needs when they occur, by keeping good relationships with bankers and other creditors
We can help develop cash flow projections. Smart business owners need to develop both short-term (weekly, monthly) cash flow projections to help them manage daily cash, and long-term (annual, 3-5 year) cash flow projections to help them develop the necessary capital strategy to meet their business needs.
Clean Up Your Accounting Books
Unfortunately, it is not too rare to have calls regarding problems with existing accounting records. A natural pursuit to save money very often pushes small business owners to hire a “cheap” bookkeeper.
Our experience with small businesses demonstrates that many bookkeepers (including ones claiming to be very experienced) do not have even basic accounting knowledge, but some practice in usage of accounting software.
- Sometimes they record transactions nonexistent in accounting practice (for example posting assets on a liability account) and other blunders.
- Do not try to hire another “cheap” bookkeeper to fix the books after the first one.
- If you get in trouble with your books we can help you to get out of a difficulty.
Accounting records restoration is a time consuming process requiring high accounting qualifications which our accountants possess. Our Accountants are truly accountants and know how to “fix” and clean up any problems with your accounting records.
Review and Supervise Bookkeepers
Review and supervise the work of you or your bookkeeper, including (but not limited to) review of the general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, fixed assets, inventory, payroll, bank reconciliations and other routine accounting activities performed by the bookkeeper. We can do this on as needed basis or as a checkup at any point in time.
We also can perform a review or your internal controls. We can evaluate your current accounting procedures with you or your bookkeeper. Our goal is to help streamline the workflow, to be more efficient, to capture all the data correctly and to produce e quality and timeliness financial information. See our Internal Controls.
Our Accounting Supervisors are available to answer any accounting questions and or QuickBooks questions.
Sales Tax Reports
What Is Sales Tax?
A tax imposed on the resale of certain tangible items. Generally, sales tax is not imposed on intangibles such as ideas or concepts.
Do I Have To Pay Sales Tax?
If you buy items at wholesale (no sales tax) and resell those items to the retail public you are required to charge a sales tax and pay that tax to the State Board of Equalization.
How Do I Report And Pay The Sales Tax To The State Board Of Equalization?
Once you have received your Resale Number the State Board of Equalization will determine the frequency you need to report and pay your sales tax. The frequency of reporting and paying will be based on the volume of your sales. Reporting can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually. The State Board will mail you the required forms.
Do I Have To Hire A Tax Preparer To fill Out the Form?
Although the forms can be completed by anyone, it is recommended that the Preparer be well versed in the laws and regulations of sales tax reporting.
Accounting a La Carte can calculation, prepare and file your returns for you, saving you time and headaches by doing it yourself. With extra time on your hands&ellipse; you can focus on growing your business.
Special Projects
If you have any special projects that you need our assistance with, we are more than happy to meet with you to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.
Andrea and Accounting A la Carte have helped me to grow my business to the next level. The knowledgebase and skill that this team bring to the table is phenomenal. Although DKB Resources, Inc. continues to grow in leaps and bounds, we will never outgrow Accounting A la CarteDarya Bronston, President
DKB Resources, Inc. Santa Barbara, California
Part-Time Accounting, Bookkeeping, and CFO Solutions for Small and Mid-Size Companies |- (805) 636-1250